GameHounds Episode 89: Spoiler Alert!

Published: Nov. 23, 2009, 8 p.m.

And by spoiler alert, we mean that Cooper Hawkes and Edie Sellers spoil everything from Modern Warfare 2 to Sixth Sense. Oh, and Rosebud was a sled. Whups! Did we say that out loud. When they're not reminding you that Soylent Green is people, Edie and Hawkes discuss: Electronic Arts shuts down Pandemic Studios. The Saboteur will release on time but will be the studio's last title. Mass: We Pray isn't real. It's a viral marketing campaign for Dante's Inferno. Sony's Kaz Hirai says that the company will release a non-game developer kit in Q2 2010. Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (its version of the NSA) recruits gamers through Xbox 360 Dashboard. Black Friday Deals: Our pick of the best we've found. Random Stuff, emails, and general weirdness. .