GameHounds 263: The GameHounds Hottie

Published: May 22, 2014, 10:18 p.m.

Who's the hottie of the GameHounds staff? Edie Sellers lets co-hosts Nick Dinicola and Holy Goalie know. When not sexually harassing our staff, we talk about games and gaming news, including:- Review of Godzilla (the movie), Maker Faire, pre-ordering Wolfenstein through Amazon, Sparkle 2 (PSN), Four Elements (Steam), Stick It To the Man (PSN), Bound By Flame (PS4);- YouTube buys Twitch. Google owns YouTube. Therefore, Google owns Twitch;- Atari may be more than a retro t-shirt logo sometime soon;- Valve has listed as many games in 2014 as it did in all of 2013;- Steam streaming is out of beta and available;- North Korea issues "Glorious Leader," the game that lets you see the magnificence that is Kim Jong Un;- EA confirms will premiere six new games at E3;- E3 pressers drinking game confirmed. We need suggestions for rules (send to GameHounds at gmail (then type a period) com. Figure that address out for yourself.Enjoy.