GameHounds 219: The Cold and Flu Cast

Published: May 6, 2013, 11:19 p.m.

This episode is 100 percent nasal. If you have any issues with listening to people be sick and get progressively sicker over the course of an hour, this is not the show for you. GamerEdie and her amazing inflating nose is joined by Holy Goalie and Nick Dinicola to chat up games and gaming news of the day. Topics include: Reviews of summer hay fever, more Bioshock Infinite, Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can, Dead Island Riptide, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, Sanctum 2, Don't Starve, Antichamber, Monaco, There are only . What's in your wallet... er, cube? Greenheart Games , one for paying customers and one for pirates. Guess what the pirated version has? PIRATES! Microsoft officially will be the official announcement of the new console. Buck or Chuck: , . Enjoy.