GameHounds 217: Happy Beginnings

Published: April 17, 2013, 4:22 a.m.

First off, we want to apologize. Last week, when we wrote the title for Episode 216, it never occured to us that anyone might interprent the phrase "end of an era" to mean "end of a GameHounds era." We were talking about Rock Band. Not us. Don't worry, you're stuck with us for a long, long time. In fact, Edie Sellers just recently inked a deal that her frozen head will host the podcast until 2135. And that contract? It's pretty airtight. Get it? Aaaanyway, Edie, Nick Dinicola, and Holy Goalie gave you a whole host of stories to gab about, including: Short reviews of ; SimCity along with cheetah speed on all platforms. Deep Silver says Activision, or Ubisoft. Twisted Pixel's lead designer and comes up with not-very-alarming results. Microsoft calls for a , sparking rumors that it's the official announcement of the Durango. Company hired to find focus testers for Last of Us provides because they weren't planning to focus test women... for a game with a major female protagonist... Yeeaaah. . Aliens: Colonial Marines . Don't forget: The second half of the show is on our . Also don't forget: Happy Endings is a weekly thing. Be ready for live listening on every Wednesday at noon PT/3 p.m. ET.