Episode 196: Sonia Hennie's Tutu

Published: Oct. 4, 2012, 11:05 p.m.

Okay. So some weeks there just isn't a phrase or title that jumps out at you. So we at GameHounds HQ just opened our minds and let the first thing that popped in come forth. And, inexplicably, it was Sonia Hennie's Tutu. Approximately two of you will get the reference. And don't ask me why I remember it. It was just stored in the hard drive and, voila, there it is. While there is absolutely no discussion of Sonia Hennie's tutu in this episode, what is contained within is a lot of great news and commentary from Holy Goalie, Nick Dinicola, and Edie Sellers, and more hits (and missed) from Buck or Chuck. Enjoy.