Episode 145: Wheatly Industries by Sony

Published: May 9, 2011, 5:52 p.m.

Oh, hello. Didn't expect to see you there. Sooo, yes. You're here for the podcast, I expect. Good for that. And you. Of course, you. Wouldn't want to forget, ehm, you. Good to meet you. I'm Wheatly. I'm here to make sure you get your podcast, and might I say, I'm very good at it. Where did I come from? Oh, that's easy. Sony. Yes, Sony made me to oversee that whole issue with its system being hacked. But don't worry, I'm on the case and I am 100 percent sure you'll be completely satisfied with the way I've handled it. Absolutely sure. Well, mostly sure. But nevermind that. More pressing issues at hand. Like, ummm, your podcast. This week, Holy Goalie, Leah Haydu, Nick Dinicola and Edie Sellers are talking about... well, about me! And other things, like: Hulu Plus Smuggle Truck . Pussies. Portal 2 DLC . And someone got the mass e Mass Effect 3 , and EA says they're working on changes to the game. Wii is getting a price cut and a bundle change. Sony continues to flail about like a gutted chicken over its server breach. And the wolves... er, lawyers... are smelling the blood. In other Sony news: Welcome back! You get a month of Playstation Plus. That makes us even, right? Enjoy. But of course you'll enjoy. I'm 100 percent sure you'll enjoy at least 50 percent of it.