Episode 138: Welcome to the Gimpcast

Published: March 3, 2011, 8:04 a.m.

Get out your ball gags and your leather masks, kids! It's time for the GameHounds Podcast — or as it was almost dubbed this week, the Gimpcast. Curious what we mean? Just listen. You'll understand. This week, Nick Dinicola, Holy Goalie, and Edie Sellers hit the past week's news like it was Bruce Willis in a pair of bondage pants. Topics discussed include: Dragon Age 2 , and we tell you what we think. Killzone 3 . Battlefield 3 The Nintendo 3DS Bethesda's , and by the looks of it, it'll be serious business. So start makin' babies! Gears of War 3 is Kinect for Windows , according to internal reports. And they're free. Mark Wahlberg will be Nathan Drake in the upcoming Uncharted movie, and director David O. Russle ("O" stands for "Oh, so you have no idea what you're doing?") w. Enjoy.