The Power of Vision Boards With Joyce Schwarz

Published: Dec. 22, 2009, 7 p.m.


Get ready to make this your best year ever despite all your challenges. Joyce Schwarz, author of the book, The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life, will tell you how to create your ideal life through using vision statements, which will inspire you to make what you want to happen. If you\'re currently using affirmations to help achieve your goals, you can also summarize them into powerful vision statements. Joyce will tell you how to use a vision board to find love or spice up your sex life; get the job of your dreams or start your own business; and tap into the power of an ancient ritual called visioning like Jim Carrey did to make $20 million or more per film. You\'ll listen to tales from Joyce such as how numerous celebrities used vision boards, including \\u2022 Aras Baskauskas, CBS "Survivor" winner; Marisa Petroro, actress and model on NBC\\u2019s "Deal or No Deal"; Jim Stovall, author of The Ultimate Gift; Mark Chasan, founder of and creator of A.W.E.; Marie Diamond, Feng Shui Expert; Beth Greer, author of Supernatural Mom; Renee Piane, founder of Rapid Dating; and more than 75 other wisdom leaders, celebrities and real people like you and me. Joyce, who runs a career strategy business, works with clients, who are Hollywood producers, network and film studio executives, TV personalities and Fortune 1000 corporate leaders and entrepreneurs.
