Dog Days Jessica Pierce, PhD, Bioethicist, Lecturer, Professor, and Author Dog Cloning, Dog Health, Bioethics, and More

Published: Nov. 20, 2019, 9:16 a.m.


Jessica Pierce, PhD, bioethicist, lecturer, professor, and author, discusses her work, ethics, and the concept of dog cloning.

Her newest book, Unleashing Your Dog: A Field Guide to Giving Your Canine Companion the Best Life Possible is an interesting and popular read. Pierce received a Bachelor\\u2019s degree from Scripps College, an M.Div. from The Divinity School at Harvard University, and a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia.

Pierce digs deep into the concept of cloning (pets and other animals), etc. In regard to pets, she explains that although cloning could be possible, the temperament and behavior may be completely different than the original animal. Pierce discusses the impact on the \\u2018unseen\\u2019 class of dogs that would be used as tools to create the clone. She worries about the exploitation of other animals that would be needed, \\u2018donor dogs\\u2019 that would be used in a laboratory setting. Pierce explains the technical aspects of a dog cloning process, detailing cell division, fusion, and how embryos are embedded.

The bioethicist discusses the potential health problems that could arise. Pierce talks about her thoughts on the cloning industry\\u2019s pandering to audiences that may have elderly or ill animals. As she states, Pierce feels it\\u2019s a problem, because people who are anticipating loss may be vulnerable. Pierce goes on to talk about the olfactory senses of dogs, and what smells dogs may or may not prefer. Wrapping up, Pierce discusses dog health, dog weight, and how dogs learn to persuade humans to give them what they want, especially regarding food.

In this podcast you\\u2019ll learn:

What it takes to clone a dog

The potential disadvantages of cloning

What happens to \\u2018donor dogs\\u2019 during the process
