[BONUS] The Impact of Advanced AI: How to Stay Ahead of the Risks and Prepare for the Future

Published: April 13, 2023, 3:06 p.m.


In this podcast, I'll dive into the topic of advanced AI and the risks and\\n ethical concerns that come with it. Now, before you run off thinking \\nthat I'm completely against it, hear me out. I truly believe that this \\ntechnology has the potential to do so much good, but we need to approach\\n it with wisdom and discernment.\\n\\nYou see, the pace of change is moving so quickly that it's easy for \\npeople to blindly cling to AI without thinking through the potential \\nconsequences. On the flip side, others may avoid it altogether, which \\nisn't necessarily the best approach either. We need to find a balance.\\n\\nI'll discuss tangible ways to mitigate the risks of advanced AI while \\nstill leveraging its potential, like building jobs for the future, not \\njust for today, and prioritizing digital acumen. As a learning leader, \\nit's crucial to prepare the workforce and prioritize critical thinking \\nskills. And for parents out there, don't wait for your kids to get into a\\n mess - have conversations with them now about the risks and benefits of\\n advanced AI.\\n\\nSo, while there are certainly risks and ethical concerns to consider \\nwith advanced AI, I'm cautiously optimistic about its potential. Let's \\nwork together to use this technology for good while being mindful of the\\n potential consequences. I hope this episode challenges your thinking \\nand encourages you to approach advanced AI with a human-centered \\nperspective.\\n\\nShow Notes\\n\\nIntroduction (0:00)\\n\\n The powerful potential of AI technology and the need for caution in its use.\\n\\nEnvironmental Risks (3:57)\\n\\nThe environmental impact of AI's energy consumption and how it can exacerbate climate change.\\nThe importance of considering the environmental impact of AI development and use, and mitigating these risks.\\n\\nWell-being Risks (11:57)\\n\\nThe risks to mental health and well-being from overreliance on AI technology.\\nThe importance of using AI in a way that promotes well-being and mental health, and not relying too heavily on it.\\n\\nDiversity and Equity Risks (19:43)\\n\\nThe potential for AI to perpetuate or worsen existing biases and inequalities.\\nThe importance of designing and using AI in a way that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion.\\n\\nSocietal & Workplace Readiness (29:40)\\n\\nThe need for society and workplaces to be prepared for the changes and challenges brought about by AI.\\nThe importance of thinking ahead and building jobs and skills for the future, rather than just the present.\\n\\n Conclusion (37:00)\\n\\n The importance of using AI technology with wisdom and discernment, and \\nbeing aware of the risks involved.\\n The need for everyone to be part of the conversation and be involved in\\n finding solutions, rather than avoiding or blindly accepting the \\nchanges brought about by AI.\\n\\n#AdvancedAI #AIRisks #EthicalAI #TechEthics #HumanCenteredAI

