Staying Sane Online During Covid-19 w/ Jocelyn Brewer

Published: April 6, 2020, 11 a.m.

Forget screen time--we are all stuck inside exploring new online worlds, rediscovering a fondness toward video chats, and trying to balance a desire for information with a need for calmness. David & Joe chat with Australian psychologist & researcher Jocelyn Brewer, a well-known voice in around psychology in the digital age and the leader of the digital nutrition movement. Connect with Jocelyn at: @JocelynBrewer Our relationship with tech is messy...let's discuss. On Funny as Tech, a comedian (Joe Leonardo) teams up with a tech ethicist (David Ryan Polgar) to discuss how emerging tech is upending the human experience in this weekly podcast with a diverse range of experts. @TechEthicist @ImJoeLeonardo @FunnyAsTech (646) 687-6309