Ep26: Debra Davis discusses the future of AR, VR and women in tech

Published: April 24, 2018, midnight

Will people ever want to wear a headset for virtual reality?! Where is augmented reality headed as a platform?! How can we get more women in tech?! Funny as Tech co-hosts David Ryan Polgar (tech ethicist) and Joe Leonardo (comedian) chat with AR & VR expert Debra Davis! Debra Davis is the Founder and Managing Director of NKLS. NKLS advises on and invests in AR/VR and other emerging technologies. NKLS Media is committed to untangling the connected world. The company believes that technology is cool, but it’s more amazing what we can do with technology and the impact it has on us. It’s not about bits and bytes, it’s about understanding how technology shapes our world, connects us and creates the future. Twitter: https://twitter.com/debraleedavis www.nklsmedia.com This episode was recorded at Grand Central Tech. For more info visit their website at: www.grandcentraltech.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/GCTech Funny as Tech is a bi-monthly live panel show and weekly podcast that tackles the thorniest issues in tech! Live shows are performed at the Peoples Improv Theater in Manhattan and podcast interviews at Grand Central Tech. Funny as Tech also performs on the road with conferences and special events. Have a question? Info@FunnyAsTech.com FUNNY AS TECH FunnyAsTech.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/FunnyAsTech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/FunnyAsTech/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FunnyAsTech/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-328735920 Signup to our monthly mailing list: http://eepurl.com/dgokyz https://twitter.com/TechEthicist https://twitter.com/ImJoeLeonardo https://www.instagram.com/techethicist/ https://www.instagram.com/imjoeleonardo/ NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY