Seminario Globalismo: Assessor do Presidente da Republica, Filipe G. Martins

Published: Nov. 22, 2022, 7:10 p.m.


O Assessor Especial para Assuntos Internacionais do Presidente da Rep\\xfablica, Filipe G. Martins, proferiu a palestra "Globalismo: teoria da conspira\\xe7\\xe3o ou fen\\xf4meno pol\\xedtico observ\\xe1vel?" no semin\\xe1rio \\u201cGlobalismo\\u201d, promovido pelo Minist\\xe9rio das Rela\\xe7\\xf5es Exteriores (MRE) e a Funda\\xe7\\xe3o Alexandre de Gusm\\xe3o (FUNAG) no dia 10 de junho. 


O semin\\xe1rio promoveu debate entre membros do governo e da sociedade sobre o conceito e o fen\\xf4meno do globalismo e suas implica\\xe7\\xf5es para as rela\\xe7\\xf5es internacionais contempor\\xe2neas. 






Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Sapiens 


Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus 


Yuval Noah Harari - 21 Li\\xe7\\xf5es para o S\\xe9culo 21 


Todd Huizinga - The New Totalitarian Temptation: Global Governance and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe 


John Fonte - Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others 


Derek Heater - World Citizenship and Government: Cosmopolitan Ideas in the History of Western Political Thought. New York: St. Martin\'s Press. 


James A. Yunker - The Idea of World Government: From Ancient Times to the Twenty-First Century. London and New York: Routledge Global Institutions Series, 2011. 


Strobe Talbott - The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States, and the Quest for a Global Nation 


Marc. F. Plattner - Democracy Without Borders? - Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy 


Manfred B. Steger - The rise of the global imaginary: political ideologies from the French Revolution to the global war on terror, Oxford University Press, 2008. 


Manfred B. Steger - Globalisms: The Great Ideological Struggle of the Twenty-first Century 


Paul James and Manfred B. Steger - Ideologies of globalism, Sage, 2010 


Paul James - Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In \\u2014 Volume 2 of Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. London: Sage Publications


Dani Rodrik - How Far Will Economic Integration Go?" Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (1): 177-86. 


David Mitrany - The progress of international government. London: G. Allen & Unwin. OCLC 4701730. 


Alexander Wendt - Why a World Government is Inevitable? 


Olavo de Carvalho - O Jardim das Afli\\xe7\\xf5es 


Antonio Negri e David Hardt - Imp\\xe9rio 


Pascal Bernardin - Maquiavel Pedagogo 


Yoram Hazony - The Virtue of Nationalism
