Day 121: The Measure of a Man / The Dauphin

Published: April 30, 2016, 12:18 p.m.

TNG 2x9 / 2x10.

Defend Data’s sentience and fall in love with a shapeshifting space princess in this installment of From There to Here: The Star Trek 50th Anniversary Rewatch from

The Measure of a Man (00:00:46)
The Dauphin (00:12:58)

Andi VanderKolk and Sue Kisenwether

Andi VanderKolk (Editor) Mike Schindler (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)