Your Final Chapter, Not Your Finest Chapter with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz

Published: Sept. 28, 2020, 6 p.m.

When I first heard the story of Thom Brennaman, I knew that I had to talk about it on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of our year.  Thom Brennaman has something to teach everyone of us.

Thom Brennaman was a sportscaster who called Major League Baseball games for 33 years.  There are a 162 games in a Major League Baseball season, and at least nine innings per game.  Thom Brennaman therefore called at least 48,114 innings of baseball over 30 years, not counting the many games that went into extra innings.  He had a special relationship with the Cincinnati Reds, whose games he started calling 14 years ago.  His connection with the Reds was generational.  His father Marty Brennaman had also called games for the Reds, and the son took over the mantle when his father retired, m’dor l’dor.

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