Ep,40 EXPOSING DARKNESS (Part TWO) with Brandon Schwin

Published: Dec. 18, 2016, 9:22 p.m.

In this episode 2nd part I continue my talk with Brandon Schwin of cast em off radio as we provide our opinions and biblical views of dealing with the darkness that is happening behind the doors of our highest offices. The Lord is exposing evil right before our eyes. Knowing the enemy's plans is key in exposing it so that more people are aware of it and are not lead astray and deceived by the devil.

Please go to http://castemoffradio.com to check out Brandon Schwin and his ministry as well as cast em off radio on YouTube. Also check out Forged through faith on YouTube as well. Also you can find both of his shows for download as podcasts in most pod catchers. So please check out his ministries.

Also please check out the Leo Rutledge YouTube channel for new fringianity underground podcast episodes and subscribe. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.