The Fake Cowboy! Natural Medicine

Published: May 19, 2021, 1:17 a.m.

Brandy Gillmore, Ph.D. in natural medicine, is a world-renowned mind/body energy expert who is most well-known for her discoveries in self-healing and working with the power of the mind to get tangible results. After a devastating accident that left her disabled and living in excruciating pain despite being on multiple medications including morphine. On a good day she could get around using a wheelchair, cane, or walker and on a bad day she didn’t make it out of bed. Her injury left her debilitated for almost seven years. She took a deeper look into the mind, psychoneuroimmunology, energy, spontaneous remission, metaphysics and quantum physics. She has been able to demonstrate back-to-back physical healing results (even under thermal medical equipment) which is something that has never been done before. Her breakthrough work has been featured in an award winning documentary and various docuseries. Brandy speaks on stages around the world and has also given a mind-expanding TEDx talk.