Cattle Mutes and Gaia - Where Did The Road Go?

Published: Oct. 24, 2022, 10 a.m.

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie, cattle mutilation researcher David Perkins, and Vuk from the "Tracing Owls" podcast broadcasting from Herzegovina. Topics include Snippy the Horse, the bizarrely specific nature of cattle mutilation, NPR and Fox News coverage of cattle mutilation, UAPs, Christopher O'Brien, allegations of government involvement, a shoot-out with a helicopter, airborne cattle rustlers, non-human entities and high strangeness, extremely rapid organ removal, abduction and return of cattle, authority's discomfort with the unexplained, Gaia theory, James Lovelock, cybernetics and control systems, Jacques Vallee, Darwinism, interaction between the living and non-living, sentience and consciousness, feed-back loops, neo-Darwinism, separation between standard science and mysticism, anthropocentrism, natural selection vs collective assembly, the ubiquity of life, Earth's desire to spread life, bacteria forming complex systems, contamination of other planets with earth bacteria, the collective unconscious, space travel, Carl Jung, imaginal offerings, channeled creativity, Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality (ETIs), animal sacrifice in history and prehistory, cattle's role in human civilization, the theatrical placement of mutilated cows, the Trickster as a force, the "message" of cattle mutilations, society's changing attitudes on cattle-raising, law-enforcement blaming UFOs, the "cow being abducted by a flying saucer" meme, reproduction vs expression, 1930's science fiction, the Biblical story of lamb's blood and Passover, an Indigenous Bolivian woman who confronted a Leprechaun-like being preying on her sheep, cattle mutilations in Latin America, the CIA, a bizarre witness of "alien" butchery in progress, mutilated humans, mutilations and attacks on other animals, Linda Molton-Howe, a bizarre pig mutilation, mutilations near NORAD, Skinwalker Ranch, and much more!