Episode 53: Silent Night / Covina Massacre / True Tales of Terror Vol. 2

Published: Dec. 23, 2015, 7:19 a.m.

b'This week we get into the Holiday Spirit with a special edition of "Captain" Kelly\'s True Tales of Terror, a bonus tale of tragedy by Byron, & a review of a film loosely based on said tragedy, entitled \'Silent Night\'. We also were lucky enough to have a chat with musician, writer, journalist, publisher, actor, television and radio host, spoken word artist, comedian, activist, & all around amazing human, Henry Rollins, about his new film \'He Never Died\'. Keep our mini-fridges full of blood...I mean...not blood...normal things that people drink...by going to http://shop.frightday.com or follow us in the shadows at the following places: http://frightday.com http://twitter.com/frightday http://facebook.com/ffrightdayy'