fc73 - sexiest horror villains

Published: June 27, 2016, midnight

b'Some people dream of the hero. There are folks who swoon during Avengers films, choosing their fave from the assemblage of good guys, or wait with baited breath for Wonder Woman to get her stand alone film.\\n\\nBut what about the bad guys? Are you saying that, just because we like a date with blood on their teeth, there\\u2019s something wrong with us? Surely not! Tell us you didn\\u2019t get a little weak in the knees for Skeet Ulrich in Scream, or swoon just a little when Catherine Deneuve seduced Susan Sarandon in The Hunger. Of course you did! And why not?\\n\\nSo today, we celebrate the sexiest horror villains. Join us, won\\u2019t you?'