Saudis Plan to Execute Illiterate Woman as a "Witch"

Published: Feb. 23, 2008, 9:52 p.m.


Freethought Radio reports on a state/church violation involving a\\ncity with a mission to "strive to serve God," plays a fun TV\\ninterview of Julia Sweeney ("Letting Go of God") and interviews Christoph Wilcke,\\na researcher with Human Rights Watch about its campaign to save the\\nlife of a Saudi Arabian woman who has been convicted of a nonexistent\\ncrime: witchcraft. The show also celebrates the birthdate and\\nachievements of freethinker W.E.B. DuBois, cofounder of the NAACP, and\\nplay an ode to the coming of spring and peace, "One Sweet Morning," by\\nlyricist E.Y. Harburg, author of "Rhymes for the Irreverent".