Factoid Friday - June 21st, 2019

Published: June 21, 2019, 10 p.m.

Join Steve Rockwood for another installment of Factoid Friday! This week, Steve goes over these factoids and how they can apply to your business.

Digital Marketing Factoid #540: 64% of online shoppers say that a video on social media helped them make their decision.

Digital Marketing Factoid #541: Apps and websites use Facebook 53.1% of the time for social login opportunities, making it easier for consumers to sign-up for products or services.
 Digital Marketing Factoid #542: According to even more digital marketing stats, 2018, 40% of users would prefer to spend more money on companies and businesses who are engaging on social media.
 Digital Marketing Factoid #543: Retargeting makes it 70% likelier to convert previous visitors into paying customers.
 Digital Marketing Factoid #544: Branded content on social media is twice as likely to interest people aged 55 – 64 than those who are 28 and younger.