DotP Q&A: Keybindings for Micro Heroes and Party MMR in Dota 2

Published: Feb. 21, 2017, 5:46 a.m.

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Roland is back with Ursinity at his side tackling a new round of listener-submitted questions.  This week, DotP tries to burn through some of the listener submitted write-in questions about how to make money podcasting (hint: we have no idea...yet...), removing items from the game and how that impacts balance/meta, laning against Sand King and his damned caustic finale, and more!  They also take live listener questions about keybindings for micro-intensive heroes, the legitimacy of party MMR in Dota 2, and their favorite cosmetic items!  All this and more in the latest Dota 2 podcast!