The Benefits of Being Single

Published: July 10, 2020, 4 a.m.

How should the church minister to Single people -not yet married, not married, and never married- in its congregations- What can a church do to be more accommodating to Single people- Where does the Single person, fit into the ministry of the church---This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot talk about the complexities and misunderstandings of the place of Singles in the church. Dr. Caldwell points out that ministering to Singles in the church can be confusing and somewhat difficult. He believes some of the difficulties of ministering to Singles may come from the wrong perspective of Singleness that is found even within the church itself. The expectation is that everyone is going to get married. Marriage is the norm for most people, but not all will marry. Marriage in our churches is often looked at or understood to be a standard of maturity and passage of adulthood. However, by holding to this view we can contribute to Singles feeling as if there is something wrong with them. This is especially true if the person is older and has never married. If the person is not college-aged, but in their 30's or 40's it can lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness. Singleness is not bad or wrong. It is not a sub-standard or second-class life. The Apostle Paul himself speaks positively of being Single in 1 Corinthians 7-6-8. There is beauty and blessing of Singleness as taught in the Scriptures. So Singleness can be embraced and celebrated in godly living. Therefore, one of the best things the church can do is teach what the Bible teaches about Singleness with clarity.