A Believer's Response to God's Amazing Grace

Published: Sept. 14, 2020, 5 a.m.

Introduction---Last Lord's Day evening I mentioned how the doctrines of grace, after troubling our hearts initially, can become sweet to our hearts.--Some of this transformation can be explained by maturity, but it is also explained by humble submission.--To speculate in the realm of theology is neither productive nor safe. Pride is not only willing to disagree with Scripture- it finds it very hard to confine itself to Scripture.---Well, here is what I think.- -Here is what I believe.- -Here is my take on that.- That is the language of pride whenever it finds itself at odds with Scripture. To tell me what you think when Scripture hasn't spoken to something is one thing, to tell me what you think IN OPPOSITION to Scripture, is another.--To stop short of believing all that God has revealed about Himself, and about what He has done, is sinful, and it is self-destructive.--Humility not only disciplines itself to think in terms of what God has revealed, it chooses to delight in all that God has revealed. It chooses to delight because it knows that God is good, and all that He has done is good.--It is humility that digs down deep and to takes full account of what God has made known to His people. It is humility that not only values the word of God- it believes every word of God.--Until we humble ourselves to embrace all that God has revealed about salvation, we will not know the joys, the comforts, the sweetness, the satisfaction, and the confidence in salvation that God wants His people to know.