The One Thing We Need for Revival in the Church

Published: June 5, 2019, 6:28 a.m.

The presence of God was prevailing. It was even manifested in the parking lot.

Our hospitality teams were serious about sharing God’s love and grace with all who came.

A couple of the men took their role extremely serious.

They would remain at the back of the worship center, near the main entrance. Praying for all who attended, they would be alert to individuals God especially put on their heart.

Those individuals would receive special prayer.

If that person left the worship celebration early, as occasionally happened, they would follow them to their car and engage them in conversation; hoping for opportunity to share the Gospel.

What will it take for the church to arise out of it's irrelevance to see a move of God again? This is the one thing we need for revival in the church. #Foundational #revival #church

Several people were led to Christ standing in the parking lot next to their car; more than one time the person received a healing.

This amazing presence of God filled every worship celebration and Bible study for over twenty months. Dozens of people came to salvation and many with cancer were healed.

The question has often been asked, “What did you do to make such a move of God happen?” It is not an easy question to answer.

Truly, we had been seeking God earnestly for revival and spiritual awakening.

Yet, He caught us totally by surprise.

We had no warning or indication that on the first Sunday of October 1983 that God would come in such glory and power. Neither do we know why the awesome presence began to lift after twenty months.

As I have reflected upon the events leading up to that first amazing day and the months that followed, Father has given me some important clues.

They are not spiritual secrets but spiritual principles often overlooked and often refused by those who find them too difficult or too demanding.

The One Thing We Need for Revival in the Church

Waiting on the Father

“You will start everyday waiting on me. You will not make a telephone call or meet with anyone until you have first met with me.”

Those words rang loud and clear in my heart.

We were only days into a new church plant. I knew Father was giving clear and definite instruction for my schedule.

I tend to be a workaholic and there are always calls to make, people to see, tasks to be completed. God was calling me to “the secret place of the Most High” as the first priority of my day and my work.

Early morning devotions had been part of my daily schedule for many years.

Father was calling me to a new place in Him. I was to give additional time in waiting on Him and seeking His face. I had no idea what that would look like or what it would require.

I just knew Father wanted me to spend time with Him, waiting on Him.

It has become more than a biblical principle.

I have been privileged to experience a similar visitation of God for a season in 1992 and again in 2009.These experiences with God have not come without personal sacrifice.

Each time I have wrestled with self and daily pressures. Each one has arrived after lengthy seasons spent waiting on Father.

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