A Biblical Perspective of People of Color and the Human Race

Published: Jan. 20, 2021, 1 a.m.

Every time there's been a great darkness come over our culture; every time culture has been presented with a tremendous culture and it seems like everything is going to ruin, Almighty God does His greatest work.

But the majority of mankind miss it. We're living in such a day.

We're facing a situation right now in America, and around the world, that has not been faced since the 30s and 40s.

The Christian Christian is facing it as well, and this is what I want to address in today's podcast. I originally preached this sermon in my church on June 21, 2000, but believe that the message is just as appropriate today as it was7 months ago.

Group of multi-ethnic young people

Read My Other Articles On This Topic:

4 Principles of Authentic Justice vs. Social Justice

A Biblical Answer to Black Lives Matter

Is Social Justice Biblical Justice?

Liberation Theology – Is it Biblical?

Social Justice – A War for Truth

What is the Biblical Basis for Racial Reconciliation?