Intro: SpaceCamp and Night of the Creeps

Published: Sept. 3, 2017, midnight

It's our second trip back to school with two more movies we missed in the 1980s (see last year's Breakfast Club/Return to Horror High to compare) -- first we're going to an all-ages camp, SPACECAMP that is, and then we're headed to rush week at college with NIGHT OF THE CREEPS. The former (which neither Taylor boy has seen) stars Lea Thompson, Kate Capshaw, Tate Donovan, Tom Skerrit and little Joaquin ("Leaf") Phoenix! The latter (which neither Josh nor Rob have seen) features FFP mainstay and possible mascot, a drunk Tom Atkins! Join us, won't you? You can also listen to the Forgotten Film Pod on iTunes, Stitcher, and most pod-catchers near you. Theme: “Vintage Education” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0