Discussion: Starcrash and Red Sonja

Published: May 22, 2017, midnight

Guardians of the Galaxy v.2 is a hit and Wonder Woman is right around the corner, so to gear up we watched Roger Corman's 1978 "classic" STARCRASH, starring Christopher Plummer and David "Don't Hassle the Hoff" Hasslehoff, and the non-Conan-Conan-spin-off, RED SONJA, introducing Brigitte Nielsen and featuring Ernie Reyes Jr.! (Oh, and some dude named Arnold Schwarzenegger is there too.) So join us for this fun, spirited, and spoilerific discussion. And come back in two weeks when we introduce two more films to each other for a future discussion. You can also listen to the Forgotten Film Pod on iTunes, Stitcher, and most podcast apps near you. Theme: “Vintage Education” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/