
Published: March 2, 2022, 7:30 a.m.


What do you get when you have Mike Field and Mike Butler discuss the 2018 Steven Soderbergh film Unsane on an episode of Forgotten Cinema?

A fight!

This Claire Foy vehicle; filmed (almost completely) on an iPhone split the Mikes opinions down the line. Mike Field enjoys the basic premise of the film; that being accidentally self-admitted in a mental institution is frighteningly possible. Mike Butler doesn\'t enjoy the leaps of plausibility and a main character who makes choices that pull yourself away from her. Despite their differences of opinions, both Mikes agree that this iPhone film make you regret not getting off the couch and filming something yourself.

So, grab your popcorn and soda, please notice the exits to the left and right of you and settle down for Forgotten Cinema
