The Paper Chase

Published: April 13, 2022, 7:30 a.m.


The Mikes are going to law school in the early 70\'s! And probably flunking "Contracts" class with Professor Kingsfield. That\'s right! It\'s The Paper Chase.

Mike Butler believes that you are unlikely to ever see a mainstream film geared more directly at a particular subset of a particular kind of school. To Butler this film is for first year law students (possibly only those in the 70\'s) and that is about it. While Mike Field can enjoy the craft of the film and the fantastic cinematography by Gordon Willis, he can\'t really disagree. However, this film is filled with great performances, direction, and writing enough to keep you watching a long even if you could care less how many pages someone\'s outline is.

So, take out your textbooks, please turn to page 385 for the case of Butler v Field, and settle down for Forgotten Cinema
