The Life Insurance Coverage Gap

Published: March 1, 2021, 4:34 p.m.

b'March 1, 2021 on ForYourBenefit, host Bob Leins, CPA\\xae welcomes Stephanie Baker, Senior Vice President, Member Services and Stacy Outlaw, Senior Vice President, Marketing at WAEPA.\\n\\nAs the interview will take place on the first day of Women\\u2019s History Month, Stephanie and Stacy will discuss how women are consistently under-covered by a life insurance policy compared to men. Although women make up 47% of the workforce, nearly 40% of adult women have no life insurance.\\n\\nAmong those who are insured, they only carry about a quarter of the coverage necessary for their needs. This coverage gap also extends to the amount of coverage an individual has, with many Civilian Feds not having enough life insurance coverage as part of their plan. These WAEPA leaders will also discuss some of the inequities and misconceptions found in life insurance and estate planning and highlight the importance of women seeking out their own policy.\\n\\nFor questions or comments, email us in advance at\\'