Gita Group Discussions: How to find one's natural proclivities? How does this influence one's life? What is connection between Swabhava -Swadharma - Swarupa? Gita Slokas 2.31-40

Published: May 31, 2021, 3:44 a.m.


May 30 Sl 2.31-40





What is swadharma and how to find our own in the current context?



- What we enjoy doing?


- Samanya dharma (common) and vishesha dharma (special)



Caste system - is not by birth; by natural proclivities (swabhava)



What was Buddha's swadharma - as a prince or a mendicant? 



SPji's instruction - do things that come naturally to you; that make you happy & also that makes others happy.



Does the 'intention' determine our swadharma? Like for Buddha? He wanted to protect as well but at a different level.



Krishna is not random - Arjuna was ready to fight, has kshatriya tendencies, and Krishna was only encouraging him to do his swadharma - and not go against his own nature because he will regret it, will keep thinking about it.



Ikigai - Japanese: what u r good at, what u like to do, what the world needs, what can give you money. 



Swadharma has to be looked at from the perspective of the roles we play. What is the 'right thing' to do in the context of roles we play?



Job Satisfaction??? Kishore's story of why he left Google.



When do you decide 'internal conflict' is good? between what roles we do and our natural inclination



What is the connection between one's vision of self-identity & swadharma?



Johari Window in psychology



Krishna knew the war was 'dharma yuddha' so wanted to make sure Arjuna fought a righteous war.



Doing what comes naturally to you + lok kalyan is important.



Sometimes the Gita model is 'over-simplified'



Swadharma - Swabhav - Swarup:  Swadharma is taking swabhav to swarup.






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