Episode 73 - Dani Heals

Published: Feb. 17, 2020, 11 a.m.

b'This week on the floral couch, we sit down again with our friend Dani. We discuss her reiki practice, mediumship, and our psychic gifts. Plus, we have some fun readings and so much more!\\nwww.daniheals.com\\nDiscount code: FLORALCOUCH\\n@daniheals\\nHave questions? Send it to us at floralcouchconversations@gmail.com and we will discuss on a future episode.\\n \\nOur February book club book is Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan.\\nhttps://www.amazon.com/Brain-Fire-My-Month-Madness/dp/1451621388\\nPlease leave us a review!\\nFollow us on Instagram!\\n@emjewen\\n@alyssabenzick\\n@floralcouchconversations'