Turkey Tips with Anna - Episode 1720

Published: Nov. 25, 2020, 11 a.m.

: Episode 1720 - On this special Wednesday show, Anna joins Vinnie to talk Christmas trees, Thanksgiving recipes, Turkey Tips, and more! Have a wonderful, safe holiday. Https://www.vinnietortorich.com/2020/11/turkey-tips-with-anna-episode-1720 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS TURKEY TIPS Don't be afraid of turkey! Anna has perfect her turkey recipe over the years. You need to dry brine the turkey. If you have the first Eat Happy book, go look at the Easiest Roast Chicken recipe. Take it out today. Pour salt on inside and outside and put in back in the fridge. Dry brine is much easier than wet brine. This cures the skin, makes it moister and more flavorful. Get out a stick or two of butter with your turkey in front of you.  Tuck the wings underneath.  Poke the finger between skin and meat on breast, shove in pats of butter. Rub the rest of your butter all over the turkey. If you have anchovy paste, add a tablespoon to your butter before you shove it under the skin/rub the rest over. You can add fresh herbs too. Or, put quarter of onion and some herbs in the cavity.  Put turkey in oven for 30 or 45 minutes before you baste it.  But make sure the roasting pan has some chicken stock in. At least half a cup to coat the bottom of the pan! Anna only bastes every 20 to 30 minutes. She takes it fully out of the oven to do this. 12 lb bird takes two and a half to three hours. Check out the recipes on Anna's website here: Prep in advance or have a helper for other foods. FAT DOC IS OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Please also share it with family and friends! Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! Fat Doc 2 is in the works! Keep an eye out. RESOURCES Https://www.vinnietortorich.com Https://www.purevitaminclub.com Https://www.purevitaminclub.co.uk Https://www.purecoffeeclub.com Https://www.nsngfoods.com Https://www.bit.ly/fatdocumentary https://annavocino.com/nsng-low-carb-thanksgiving-round/