Dietary Experiments & the Public Health Collaboration - Episode 1686

Published: Oct. 9, 2020, 9 a.m.

: Episode 1686 - On this Friday show, Sam Feltham joins Vinnie for another appearance on the podcast and talks low carb dietary experiments, CICO failures, the Public Health Collaboration UK, and more. Https:// PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS LOW CARB DIETARY EXPERIMENTS Sam did an N-1 experiment. He ensured the same calorie surplus for each. He decided to try 3 different diets for 3 weeks a piece over a year. Between trials, he'd take about 3 months to get metabolically sound again. He started with a low carb whole foods diet, but he ate about 6,000 calories a day intentionally. His day would include lots of eggs, nuts, fish, and more. He'd have to force himself to eat. After 3 weeks, he was in 47,000 calorie surplus. According to popular diet notions, he should have gained over 6 kilos from that. Instead, he gained just over one but lost an INCH around his waist. In three weeks. He actually lost fat around his waist. Sam and Vinnie are built fairly similarly -- he didn't have a lot of inches to lose. Sam and Vinnie don't advise this, but it goes to show this lifestyle works. Then, he went low fat fake food. He'd have low fat yogurt, skinless chicken breast, low fat chocolate, etc. Again, he had a 47,000 calorie surplus. According to popular diet notions, he should have gained over 6 kilos from that. He ended up gaining over 7 kilos and 3.5 inches around his waist. Low fat food did not do good for his body. His fitness, though, and asthmatic symptoms got worse. Finally, he tried super low-fat vegan diet. He'd eat lots of rice and beans, veggies, water chestnuts, etc. The only fat he really got was olive oil. This was most vastly different from his regular diet. He ended up with a 40,000 calorie surplus because of all the fiber he ate. Neither his gut nor wife were happy. He gained around 4.5 kilos and gained 2.5 inches. On the low carb diet, he felt the best. He didn't have the gas or stomach issues. His asthma didn't flare up. Quality has a role in weight loss and gain. Check out his YouTube channel here: He started by raising about 11,000 pounds. Fortunately, they don't need too much income to keep going. They run on donations, but they do give events like conferences and a food festival. The idea is centered around eating fat and getting slim. Low carb diets are the best for your help. The charity's real focus is helping people learn about and implement healthy choices. FAT DOC IS OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Please also share it with family and friends! Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! Fat Doc 2 is in the works! Keep an eye out. RESOURCES Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://