BEST OF: We Need Cows with Dr. Ballerstedt - Episode 1800

Published: March 17, 2021, 10 a.m.

: Episode 1800 - On this Wednesday episode, we run a best-of from 2018. Agronomy expert Dr. Peter Ballerstedt joins Vinnie to discuss his work as a foraging, ruminant, and livestock expert. They also talk climate change, meat myths, human diet health, and more. Https:// PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS DR. PETER BALLERSTEDT This is one incredibly smart man. He has studied the needs of humans and diet. A low carb diet with plenty of meat is important. We evolved because we ate meat. He and Vinnie met at Low Carb USA! High fiber is important to feed beef livestock - better for them, makes it better for us, too. WE NEED COWS Cows are not causing climate change. It's not even their farts that would. The UN put out a report that claimed livestock produced more emission than all transportation. What they DON'T acknowledge is that study is recognized as being flawed and its authors even retracted and corrected it. The reality is they make up about 2% of emissions. We DO need to get better at controlling how we raise our food. 1/32nd of an apple represents arable land on the world. 1/4th represents land that is good for grazing. MEAT MYTHS There are so many myths propagated by vegans about meat growth and consumption. "Raising cattle is a waste of water." Truth: Cows are not 'destroying' water - they recycle it. "Cows are ruining the land." Truth: Ruminant animals are incredibly important for our soil. They have evolved with the grasses. There wouldn't BE society like there is now without raising cows. "Red meat is bad for you." .Truth: Meat is GOOD for you Saturated fats and cholesterol are not bad for you! FAT DOC 2 IS AVAILABLE ON iTUNES and AMAZON Please also share it with family and friends! Buy it and watch it now on iTunes to get it to the top of the charts. We need it to get big for people to see it. Here's the (BLUERAY, DVD, PRIME) (MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE YET ACROSS THE POND). And the And the [the_ad id="17480"] PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW the film AFTER YOU WATCH!   FAT DOC 1 IS ALSO OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy   or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! RESOURCES Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://