Amy Izzo in Propeling Your Business in a New Way with EXP (Ep 326)

Published: Dec. 3, 2020, 7:16 p.m.

eXp Realty, The Real Estate Cloud Brokerage, is the fastest-growing, global residential real estate company. Today, I am with Amy Izzo, one of my partners in eXp Realty and we will tell you why you should join us!

This interview covers:
1:21 Why did Amy ended up joining EXP and How is her experience been?
2:40 Amy explains the partnership with EXP
5:03 Why EXP?
8:25 Is EXP a multi-level marketer thing?
10:15 Incentivize leadership
14:00 How does Amy feel about being in the pandemic with EXP?
17:15 What can you get with EXP?

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