Episode 121 - The Two Jakes

Published: May 27, 2020, 1 p.m.

b'To follow up last week\'s look at Chinatown, Jack Nicholson directs the return of J.J. Gittes in 1990\'s The Two Jakes on this week\'s latest episode of Film Seizure.\\n\\nFind new episodes every Wednesday at\\nwww.filmseizure.com\\n\\n"Beyond My Years" by Matt LaBarber\\nLaBarber The Album Available at\\nhttps://mattlabarber.bandcamp.com/album/labarber-the-album\\nCopyright 2020\\n\\nFollow us on Facebook:\\nwww.facebook.com/filmseizure/\\n\\nFollow us on Twitter:\\ntwitter.com/FilmSeizure\\n\\nFollow us on Instagram:\\nwww.instagram.com/filmseizure/\\n\\nYou can now find us on YouTube as well! The Film Seizure Channel can be found here:\\nwww.youtube.com/channel/UC76z5r6ci71xQnlCs-fzhvQ'