Doctor Strange (2016) | Film Freakz Episode 29

Published: Jan. 1, 2021, 11 a.m.


Hello and welcome to the 29th episode of Film Freakz, the podcast about movies!  Each episode is all about a single movie and this episode is about Doctor Strange from 2016.  This podcast features YemmytheFerret (Yemmy), Coco Gamer (Coco), Taymation Studios (Tay), and GreedyWaffle (Nick).  This movie was recommended by Coco who's mastery of the dark arts is only rivaled by he love for Seinfeld.  Dr. Stephen Strange's (Benedict Cumberbatch) life changes after a car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he looks for healing, and hope, in a mysterious enclave. He quickly learns that the enclave is at the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying reality. Before long, Strange is forced to choose between his life of fortune and status or leave it all behind to defend the world as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.  Thanks for listening on all platforms!  We want YOUR recommendations for the FAN VOTE!  Send them in by commenting on the YouTube version, messaging us on our social medias, or sending us an email!
