Episode 14: Film Freaks Go to College!

Published: Sept. 3, 2019, 4 a.m.

In this episode, your loyal hosts Mark Jordan Legan and Phoef Sutton don their caps and gowns and march to "Pomp & Circumstance" to receive their Film Freak diplomas.

They're ready to guide you around the coolest campus and find the greatest parties as they educate you on four superb college themed movies—from one of the most popular college comedies ever made to a real obscure, yet clever and compelling, 1970s TV movie. Everyone from Groucho Marx to John Belushi to Dean Stockwell to James McAvoy to a very young Pre-Sherlock Benedict Cumberbatch are along for your tutorial.

Tap that keg, roll a fat one, kick your Calculus book under the sofa, and mellow out as the Film Freaks school you in what's up with some of the best in higher education cinema.