Film Fallout Podcast #143 - It Takes A Village: A M. Night Retrospective

Published: Jan. 17, 2019, 7:28 a.m.

Christopher Cross and Dylan Schwan take another trip down memory lane through the filmography of M. Night Shyamalan. In preparation for Shyamalan's latest film, Glass, they go through some highlights (and lows) of his career and discuss what make him tick. Films discussed: The Sixth Sense Unbreakable Signs The Village Lady in the Water Split You can find Film Fallout every week on iTunes, Soundcloud, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as anything else that pulls an RSS Feed. The podcast (@filmfalloutcast), Chris (@HammerkopCross), and Dylan (@DreaminDylanS) are also on Twitter. You can also find Chris' film writing at Please feel free to share the podcast with anyone who may enjoy it, and rate and subscribe on iTunes to help spread the word as much as possible! Intro and Outro Music: Waiting for a Sign by Savages