Film Fallout Podcast #139 - Minding the Favourite

Published: Dec. 12, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Christopher Cross and Dylan Schwan turn a corner from Eternity's Gate to Yorgos Lanthimos' The Favourite in the 139th episode of Film Fallout. They discuss the fantastic cast, that great fisheye lens, and how this might be Lanthimos' most mainstream film to date. Dylan and Chris managed to see the same movies this week so they talked about the new Alfonso Cuaron masterpiece, Roma. They talk about the excellent use of sound design and Dolby Atmos. Dylan talks about his experience seeing it at the great Seattle Cinerama. They also discuss one of the many Skateboarding centric films this year, Minding the Gap. Less a skateboarding film than one of overcoming your traumas, they talk about the strengths of the first time director, Bing Liu. Listen in next week for a (possibly special) review of the highly acclaimed animated film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse. You can find Film Fallout every week on iTunes, Soundcloud, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as anything else that pulls an RSS Feed. The podcast (@filmfalloutcast), Chris (@HammerkopCross), and Dylan (@DreaminDylanS) are also on Twitter. You can also find Chris' film writing at Please feel free to share the podcast with anyone who may enjoy it, and rate and subscribe on iTunes to help spread the word as much as possible! Intro & Outro Music: Tyrant (feat. Jorja Smith) by Kali Uchis Transition Music: Hit Parade by Neon Indian