Film Fallout Podcast #111 - The Endless Cargo of Deadpool

Published: May 23, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Christopher Cross and Dylan Schwan accidentally save the world again despite being egotistical and extremely self-centered as they review Deadpool 2. Well, not as egotistical as Wade Wilson, but who can be? We talk about the sequel’s many cameos, how David Leitch fared directing the merc with a mouth, and why Ryan Reynolds is so perfect for the role. This week’s Westworld introduced us to Shogunworld so there’s plenty of discussion on that, as well as two new horror movies that Chris saw: The Endless and Cargo. Cargo is available on Netflix while The Endless you can find playing a limited run in theaters. There’s also plenty of discussion on the Cannes awards as well as the controversy surrounding Lando Calrissian. Next week, we will be back with a review of Solo: A Star Wars Story. You can find Film Fallout every week on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as anything else that pulls an RSS Feed. Feel free to share the podcast with your friends if you enjoy it, and rate and subscribe on iTunes to help spread the word as much as possible!