Solitude & Service

Published: June 23, 2017, 7 p.m.

Hello Wild One,

Sometimes I feel like there is nothing to say, nothing to write, nothing to share.

That the message inside of me has taken a cat nap and I don't know when it will wake up again.

Sometimes I love showing up, engaging, guiding.

And other times I just want to be left alone with soul and nature and Muse.

It can be hard to interweave the desire to serve and the desire for solitude.

Hard to energetically engage and also surrender to silence.

It's a balancing act of artistry and devotion, a delicious {and sometimes maddening} game of this thing called life.

I'm going to hop on the air for a few, just to see what the Muse wants to work through me.

Come hang out and listen. Maybe you'll get a nugget of Truth and Essence to help guide you into your own Remembrance and Untaming.

Loving you.
