The World After Covid

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, 11 a.m.

Feudal Future Special Episode 

It’s a new world for sure, but for better or worse --- or simply different? What kind of world is being created, and how will it affect developing countries, big cities, suburbs and smaller towns around the world?

Listen to Richard Florida, the world’s premier urban expert, discuss the global future with leading experts from US, Europe, Africa and Asia. Florida, author of The Creative Class and the New Urban Crisis, will be followed by Joel Kotkin, Presidential Fellow in urban futures at Chapman; Bheki Mahlobo, analyst and economic researcher at the Center of Risk Analysis in Johannesburg; Li Sun, expert of Chinese cities and professor at University of Leeds; and Laure Mandeville, senior reporter for Le Figaro in Paris.

This global episode was recorded live and is raw and uncut.