The Imprint of the Creator

Published: Dec. 10, 2021, 9 a.m.

God is the great creator - His imprint is in our minds. God is not silent. We see in today's scripture two types of revelation- the natural -general- revelation where there is a God of creation - special revelation which is extra of who God is.-In verses 1-6 we see the worship with our words. God spoke creation into being. It is a reflection of Christ. Creation teaches us we are rather small for in creation it continues from beginning until the end of the world. -Are we learning from creation- Are we seeking to be productive- Do we speak to the greatness of God--We are sinful, but since God is the law giver, we must worship with our hearts. In verses 7-14 we look at the law - its effect--1. the law is perfect reviving the soul--our strength is renewed.-2. God's testimony is trustworthy-3. Precepts are right, rejoicing the heart-4. Commandment is pure, enlightening the eyes-5. The fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever-6. His rules are true - righteous all together.-The law exposes the heart. May the words of my mouth - the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight.