
Published: July 22, 2016, 4 p.m.


Roger Bolton hears the questions and concerns of BBC radio listeners.

This series, one issue has been top of the Feedback agenda - impartiality. The surge in questions and comments from listeners was initially sparked by the EU Referendum coverage, with concerns that striving for impartiality meant the BBC did not sufficiently scrutinise the campaigns and determine which conflicting claims were right. Listeners have also been highlighting other areas where they question whether the BBC has not met its standards of impartiality - namely science and the arts. David Jordan, the BBC's Director of Editorial Policy and Standards responds to the concerns.

How does dancing on the radio work? That's a question Radio 3 tackled in their recent broadcast of the Strictly Come Dancing Prom. This year's host Katie Derham takes listeners on a behind-the-scenes tour of the rehearsal for a closer look at how the popular TV hit has been adapted for radio.

And find out why listeners were stopped in their tracks by the Radio 4 Drama Life Lines, which explores the challenging and often distressing world of work as an ambulance call handler.

Produced by Kate Dixon\\nA Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.
