38. | Matter Of National Emergency

Published: Dec. 1, 2020, 9:27 a.m.

We take note and lessons from the book of Nehemiah about matters of national security. Our nation is under attack, more specifically our children and what they're being taught in the classrooms which is turning out generations of confused young people. We need to take action to fight back against the Comprehensive Sex Ed curriculum that is corrupting our children. You can help take a stand, today is #GivingTuesday! If you'd like to help support our efforts to bring "The Mind Polluters" to the marketplace, follow the link -- https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=NBKVWFQ6E4L7W&source=url When you give it's not just about making a donation, it's about making a difference! And together, we are making a difference!