205. | Origins of Friday the 13th

Published: June 13, 2023, 7 a.m.

Fifteen years ago on this day (June 13th) we said, “I do”, it was a Friday the 13th. On todays show we give an update about an AI simulated drone flight gone wrong, possible Friday the 13th origins and Artificial Intelligence creating a new Bible for people to know the correct way of thinking. Now the USAF says they lied about AI attack https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/air-force-colonel-backtracks-over-his-warning-about-how-ai-could-go-rogue-and-kill-its-human-operators/ar-AA1c0xr4 Origin of the curse of Friday the 13th https://faithbibleministriesblog.com/2017/01/13/the-origin-of-the-curse-of-friday-the-13th-the-passover-01132017/ Tim Mahoney - Patterns of Evidence https://www.patternsofevidence.com AI declares a new bible will possibly be created that is actually correct https://www.theblaze.com/news/ai-can-create-a-new-bible-influential-author-declares-in-a-few-years-there-might-be-religions-that-are-actually-correct Artificial Wombs https://churchandstate.org.uk/2020/01/artificial-wombs-could-create-seismic-shift-in-the-debate-over-abortion-reproductive-rights/ ********************************************* THE MIND POLLUTERS PUBLIC SCREENING — June 21st @6:30PM Christian Fellowship Center 201 North Street Sturgis, Michigan https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=632356645592680&set=a.550099183818427 ********************************************* CONNECT WITH US We love connecting with our listening audience each week! If there’s something you’d like us to cover on the show, let us know. www.fearlessfeatures.org/mailbox ********************************
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